Ancient and Medieval Game Research


This is a page dedicated to research material for ancient and medieval games. The goal is to post as many links and images for primary and secondary information as possible. Roughly stated, when discussing games and regions, for ease of conversation material will be ordered chronologically in the areas discussed.

"Early River Valley Civilizations" will include games from Mesopotamia (along the Tigris and Euphrates), The Indus Valley Region (which includes Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India along the Ganges and Indus Rivers), Egypt (along the Nile) and other associated areas in between. Although it is notable that the Yin/Shang Dynasty in China is part of this time (and lies along the Yangzi) I include China in the Asian Games section.

"East Asian Games" deserve their own classification for China and other Eastern cultures. As noted, the Yin/Shang Dynasty developed very early. Many games from the Far East have a specific feel to them. This grouping will include China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan and other notable Asian Cultures

"Greek Games" Although game-wise the Greeks are best known for the foundation of the Olympics, this will cover many of the board games and leisure activities of average people rather than high level athletes

"Native North and South American Games". This includes Mesoamerica such as, Olmec, Maya, Incan and Aztec cultures as well as Norte Chico, Cahokia and other plains cultures

"Medieval and Renaissance European Games" This will be for both Eastern and Western Europe as a primary focus